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Hey im new to terra farm and  cant find any Tutorial or answer how i add the buckets to terra farm

Sorry if this is wrong way to ask I'm very new to this but recently found  your page and trying your mods put when saving my game it freezes and i have to console quit and my save game is gone so go back to most recent save game backups.. is thier something that im doin wrong i went thru my mods and got rid of 90% of fs miners mods and few others to try and weed out the issue hoping it a mod conflict thanks for any help in advance 

Yea same,for me it got stuck up to 95% but thats it. Please update or fix this bug.

can you tell me what your error log says?

you put the XML files into the existing terrafarm mod, dont put this download into your folder, thats where your problem stems fro

Can someone explain how to get Terrafarm to work with these mods? I've downloaded this file, copied the xmls across to the latest version of Terrafarm, updated the index.xml and no matter what I do it gets stuck at 85% when loading a save. 

I've watched fsminers video and that hasn't helped. Just really confusing 

if it gets stuck at 85% like that, then the "mod name" section in the terrafarm XML file itself is different than the mod name in your mod folder. They have to match in order to work.

I cant buy anything from the shop in v1.1.

are you sure it is the terrafarm mod causing the issues?

i have the same problem

I found the Cat 305 Buckets do not have terrafarm, can you please add them? 

TerraFarm mod is causing game to crash when quitting saved game. Not sure if theres anything that can be done about it so just an FY

i downloaded this mod for your buckets and dozer but all i can dig is rock.

the terra farm gui u have to go into it and set if u want ground textures different and discharge material like rock sand clay etc


how do i get to the gui

on xbox controller its right bumper + Y. 

go under start menu while in game scroll down to game settings and  look for button mapping n set it for whatever u want

that dosnt pop up when i go into the men

YEAH IT DOING THE SAME TO ME  all of fsminers stuff works but the buckets dont can we get this fixed love the mods but need them to function on all material 

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ya fr

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uh i just downloaded your terrafarm mod as well as your excavator bucket and a bulldozer however when i start up a game i dont see the interface for terrafarm should i try a new save or did i do something wrong on my end. like i cant move the xml files and i looked at the index your mods are on the list but when i try to get one to work the gui for terrafarm dosent show so what did i do wrong?



make sure the terra farm is in ur selected mods i had this issue. U have too extract the zip file first to mod or add buckets to xml file

can you add terrafarm for the rockland buckets in the 1-10 pack

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hi. Love your mods. Can you please add terraform for the cat 390DL ME machine?

No need! Fixt it me self.

hey can you hit me up with the fix would be apricated 

can u add it for the 1-10 bucket pack

he has it on for the most part. He just needs to put it on the rockland buckets

We need the updated terrafarm, for the D6T and new 40-60 ton buckets 

Working on uploading it right now.

Should be updated!

you might want to consider a better explanation or even a video link on how to add your vehicles to the terrafarm mod for those people that dont know

My best suggestion is to use FS Miner's tutorial video on how to do it.


If i'm adding them to the Terrafarm index do I make it like this "<entry>10-20Ton_Engcon_CB15.xml</entry> for example in the xml?

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how do i get this terra farm to work man its confused me so much i cant work it out sorry

You have to add the files to your currently-being-used TerraFarm mod, and point the index.xml to where these files are in it. If he just released a whole TF mod with the files already in it, people couldn't use them with other vehicles that the other TF's work with.

how do I point the index.xml to where it needs to be