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could you fix the multiplayer support for this cause it doesn't work

Don't worry I got it to work correctly

do you know why you cant pick up logs with thumbs and buckets

how to get terra farm??

I have a question man I’ve noticed after digging a couple times the bucket seems to lag away from the machine an doesn’t seem 100% attached is there a way to fix this

I hope youre well, have really been enjoying your mods! 
I just started exploring your excavator mods, foundout there are some grapples in this pack for logging. 
Issue Ive been having is when spawning in a grapple (not sure about other packs) they spawn partially clipped through the ground and can be a challenge to get unstuck. 
Maybe in a future update, would it be possible to have the grapples spawn in closed? Ive heard this is supposed to help with the clipping issue. 
Regardless your mods are awesome and keep up the great work! Cheers!

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it is a known bug, and i plan to fix it in one of the upcoming updates.

Would it be possible to put these buckets in the TERRAFARM 0.4 MCE V10 please

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I just realized how bad this pack truly is. First, half of them have no textures. second, none of them have hard attach. third, it has removable collisions "for ease of digging" but in game it doesn't do much there is still a collision with the ground. so, GEM has a lot of work to do to make this an actually playable mod.

bro..... i edited the files the new download is in the comments

yeah, what did you add only hard attach right. that only fixes one problem still not verry playable.

Yeah, just checked you added hard attach so thanks for doing that, but some are still missing textures and the 54inch buckets removable collision doesn't work. 

yeah i know but i was just talking about the hard attach

I see, thanks for the hard attach but just need GEM to fix the rest of the problems.


I just updated the pack, and it should have addressed and fixed most of those issues, so hopefully that helps.

Everything works except the 54inch heavy duty buckets removable collision doesn't work. 


the grapple heel is not loading the grapple texture correctly.

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here bro i edited the files i'll send you the link to download the new zip containing the new bucket pack zips with the updated XML's with hard attach so it doesn't have insane delay

just updated the main link with the newest version ive made, which now has hard attach included


hey bro just saying all of your bucket packs have a massive delay when you move the stick, boom etc

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yeah, that was due to the buckets not having HardAttach enabled in the XML, however due to a large number of people requesting it to be added, the next update will be swapping all buckets in all of my packs to use it. That should hopefully fix the bucket delay.

yeah nice man at least you respond to comments and fix issues unlike most modders

also thought i should point out that the mud bucket and tilt bucket for this pack don't have color on them and are just a pale grey

Please add store icons and everything as this mod will throw errors and remove buildings for some reason. Disabled, everything is good.


how do i get this terra farm to work man its confused me so much i cant work it out sorry. with theses i mean sorry